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Prenatal, Postnatal & Infant Massage Therapy 

Studies have shown that the more you receive therapeutic nurturing touch in pregnancy, the more likely your are to pass this touch on to your baby. Well, isn't this great news for everyone; all the more reason to get a massage!


But seriously, taking care of yourself in pregnancy, postpartum, and beyond also takes care of your baby and your loved ones. Self-care isn't self-indulgent. Self-care allows you to have the energy, the reserves, the resilience to care for the ones you love.


Simply put ...

Massage is Renewing, Rejuvenating & Restorative.


Book a massage with me at Wolseley Wellness on Corydon

Prenatal Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy is a safe and effective tool in pregnancy to help you:

  • Nurture & take care of yourself

  • Bond with your baby

  • Increase relaxation

  • Create balance in your body

  • Decrease muscle tension 

  • Decrease fluid retention

  • Decrease breast/chest tissue congestion 

  • Relieve breast/chest pain & tenderness

  • Decrease low back and pelvic girdle pain

  • Decrease pregnancy-related nerve compression (carpal tunnel syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome)

  • Create & support sound pelvic & fetal alignment

  • Decrease pregnancy-related postural changes

  • Decrease pelvic floor dysfunction

  • Prepare your body for labour and delivery.


With the aid of special positioning and propping, you and your pregnant belly will feel supported and cared for while receiving a very well-deserved massage. 

Postnatal Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy is a safe and effective tool in your postnatal period to help you:

  • Nurture & take care of yourself

  • Bond with your baby

  • Increase relaxation

  • Decrease labour related muscle tension

  • Relieve muscle tension caused by feeding positions

  • Relieve breast and chest tenderness.

  • Decrease postpartum-related nerve compression (mommy thumb, carpal tunnel syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome)

  • Create & support sound pelvic alignment

  • Decrease postpartum-related postural changes

  • Decrease low back & pelvic girdle pain

  • Decrease pelvic floor dysfunction

  • Decrease cesarean birth scar tissue adhesions and restrictions

  • Heal Diastasis Recti Abdominis.


You may experience muscle related tension from prolonged labour positions. You can receive massage therapy immediately postpartum. Positioning considerations will be made for cesarean births and epidurals so you feel comfortable and supported while receiving massage.

Infant Massage Therapy

Infant massage therapy is an important tool to help alleviate physiological ailments such as colic, gas and constipation. It can help develop muscle tone, coordination and strength. Touch can soothe an upset baby and provide fun playtime experiences. Most importantly, massage therapy can be used as a bonding experience where deep human to human connection can develop. 


The very first sense to develop in a growing fetus is touch. The sense of touch begins to form at approximately 8 weeks gestation. Touch is also the only sense that is fully developed when your baby is born. Because of this, babies begin to learn about their world through the experience of touch.


The tactile experience of massage therapy becomes a tremendous way to not only bond but also communicate with your baby. This is done by providing nurturing, therapeutic touch that embodies safety and love. Infant massage is a reciprocal experience where your baby is learning about you and the world and you are learning about your baby. Both you and your baby are active participants in this experience. Through touch, you can begin to understand your baby’s unique body language and grasp their subtle cues. 


As a caregiver, you can carve out protected time to engage with your baby in a fully present manner. The process of providing nurturing, therapeutic touch will continue to develop your loving relationship to your baby which can only become deeper through these experiences.  


I am accepting new infant and pediatric clients at Wolseley Wellness on Corydon. 


I offer private infant massage treatment sessions for: 

Gas and constipation



Respiratory Issues such as Asthma

Latching Issues

Torticollis/Head Turn Preference

Bonding & Connection

Book a massage with me at Wolseley Wellness on Corydon


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The Pregnant Pelvis is proudly located in Winnipeg, Manitoba in First Nations Treaty 1 territory and the ancestral territory of the Anishanaabe, Cree, Dakota, Dene, and Ojibway-Cree, and the traditional homeland of the Metis Nation.

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